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Наука Шляхта

Ivory-Billed Woodpecker, 22 More Species Extinct

The U.S National Fish and Wildlife Service Wednesday is expected to announce the extinction of 23 species, including the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker, an elusive bird long-sought after by bird watchers throughout the southeast United States.  

The New York Times reports the list of extinctions includes 11 birds, eight freshwater mussels, two fish, a bat and a plant. Many of them were likely extinct, or almost so, by the time the Endangered Species Act passed in 1973.


The measure is intended to provide special protection for rare species on the brink of extinction.

U.S. officials have determined no amount of conservation would have been able to save these particular species.

Fish and Wildlife Species Classification Specialist Bridget Fahey told the Times, “Each of these 23 species represents a permanent loss to our nation’s natural heritage and to global biodiversity. And it’s a sobering reminder that extinction is a consequence of human-caused environmental change.”

Wildlife experts cite loss of habitat, usually due to human activities, as the top driver of extinction of species. Farming, logging, mining and damming take habitat from animals, while pollution and poaching drive down numbers as well.  

U.S. government scientists do not declare extinctions casually. It often takes decades of fruitless searching. About half of the species in this group were already considered extinct by the Switzerland-based International Union for Conservation of Nature, the global authority on the status of animals and plants.  

Officials with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service tend to move more slowly, in part because it is working through a backlog, but also to exhaust all efforts to follow up reports of sightings.

In the case of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker, there have been numerous unconfirmed reports of both sightings of the large, colorful red, white and black bird with a large beak and head feathers, and of hearing its distinctive call in the woods.  

The U.S. broadcaster National Public Radio reports the IUCN is not putting the bird on its extinction list because they believe it may still exist in parts of Cuba.

Some information in this report was provided by the Associated Press and Reuters news organizations.

Політика Столиця Шляхта

У Порошенка через суд вимагають від Bihus.Info оприлюднити «плівки Медведчука» «у первісному вигляді»

Окружний адміністративний суд Києва вирішив відкрити провадження у відповідній адміністративній справі, відповідачем у якій є розслідувальний проєкт Bihus.Info, повідомив адвокат

Політика Столиця Шляхта

Глава Венеційської комісії закликав Україну якнайшвидше створити Етичну раду при Вищій раді правосуддя

Глава Венеційської комісії заявив, що без Етичної ради не може бути незалежної та такої, що користується довірою, Вищої ради правосуддя, і, в свою чергу, надійної Вищої кваліфікаційної комісії суддів

Політика Столиця Шляхта

СБУ: російські куратори «намалювали» в ОРДЛО високу явку на виборах у Держдуму

За даними СБУ, автобуси, які возили так званих «виборців» з ОРДЛО на територію Росії, курсували напівпорожні, при цьому за документами у них було 100% завантаження місць

Політика Столиця Шляхта

Суд у Харкові визнав незаконним рішення про перейменування проспекту Григоренка в Жукова, мерія готує скаргу

У міській раді також заявили, що «на цей час не можна вважати остаточно вирішеним питання щодо статусу об’єкта топоніміки «проспект Маршала Жукова»

Політика Столиця Шляхта

Зеленський назвав «обов’язком перед минулими поколіннями» збереження пам’яті про Бабин Яр

Президент поклав квіти до пам’ятника громадянам, страченим нацистами у Бабиному Яру, та встановив лампадку до підніжжя пам’ятного знака «Менора»

Наука Шляхта

Pakistani University Manufactures Stents for Heart Patients

According to the Pakistani government, over 45,000 angioplasty operations are conducted in Pakistan each year; an operation in which a small mesh tube is inserted into a blocked artery to allow blood to flow through it. Up until recently Pakistan had to import these medical devices, but now they’re being manufactured in country. VOA’s Asim Ali Rana files this report narrated by Bezhan Hamdard.

Camera: Wajid Hussain Shah  Produced by: Asim Ali Rana 


Політика Столиця Шляхта

Головне на ранок: дружина Тимошенка і форум «Україна 30», обшуки у справі, пов’язаній з Куницьким, нічия «Шахтаря» в матчі з «Інтером»

Радник голови Офісу президента Михайло Подоляк прокоментував розслідування видання «Бабель» про проведення форуму «Україна 30» нібито компанією дружини заступника голови ОП Кирила Тимошенка

Наука Шляхта

Massive North Sea Wind Farm Could Power Denmark, Neighbors

Weeks before a high-profile climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland, Danish officials are talking up an ambitious program to develop the world’s largest offshore wind energy complex, with the potential to provide enough green energy to power not just Denmark, but some of its neighbors as well. 

The complex, to sit on and around an artificial North Sea island about 80 km off Denmark’s coast, would span an area up to the size of 64 soccer fields and support thermal storage facilities, HVDC converters, a heliport, and a research and visitor center.

Energy Island Envisioned by Denmark

“You can have hundreds of wind turbines around this island,” said Dan Jorgensen, Denmark’s climate and energy minister, during a visit to Washington this month. His government calculates that the energy island could yield up to 10 gigawatts of electricity — enough for 10 million households. 

“Since we’re only 5.8 million people in Denmark, that’s far more electricity than we’ll need for ourselves, so we want to find other countries to be part of this,” Jorgensen said, adding that Denmark is in talks with other European countries. 

The 10-gigawatt estimate is at the high end of what might finally be built. Current planning allows for a range of from three to 10 gigawatts, according to Jorgensen. But even at the low end, the energy island would dwarf the largest existing offshore wind farm — Britain’s Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm in the Irish Sea that has a capacity to generate 0.66 gigawatts and provide power to 600,000 homes. 

The world’s largest wind farm of any kind is a 10-gigawatt complex completed this summer and based in the northwestern Gansu province of China. The next largest of any kind is a 1.6-gigawatt wind farm in Jaisalmer, India. 

“It’s the biggest infrastructure investment in the history of my country, but we foresee it will be a good business model,” Jorgensen told VOA. 

“There will be some initial costs there, but we’re willing to bear them because this will also mean that we will get the project itself, but also the development know-how, the skills, and the expertise that we want.” 

The project is remarkable not just for its size but also for its innovative approach to some of the most difficult obstacles to weaning the world off fossil fuels. These include finding an effective way to store energy generated from wind turbines, and a way to transform the electricity into fuels to power transportation systems. 

Denmark’s plan is to transform the electricity into hydrogen, which can be used directly as an energy source or turned into fuels for use “in ships, planes and trucks,” as Jorgensen put it. 

“This sounds a bit like science fiction, but actually it’s just science; we know how to do it,” he said. 

While talks between the Danish government, industry, scientists and potential investors are still in the early stage, one decision has already been made, Jorgensen said. 

“We want at least 50.1% of the island to be publicly owned,” he said, calling the island “critical infrastructure because it’ll be such a huge part of our energy supply.” He added that the actual wind turbines will be owned by investors. 

“So far we have seen interest from Danish companies and investment funds; we’ve also seen interest from the governments of several European countries. We expect, of course, this will also mean interest from companies from other countries, definitely European, but probably also others.” 

Jacob F. Kirkegaard, a Danish economist based in Brussels, says the ambitious plan is plausible in light of Denmark’s track record in developing green energy. 

“There are already many days in which Denmark gets all its electrical power from wind energy, so rapid electrification is coming as are further rapid expansions of offshore wind farms,” he told VOA in an exchange of emails. 

He said he has “no doubt” that Denmark will achieve full decarbonization by 2050, “probably even considerably before” that date, thanks to broad public support, especially from the young. 

According to the Danish embassy in Washington, more than 50% of Denmark’s electrical grid is already powered by wind and solar energy, and the government projects that renewables will meet 100% of the nation’s electricity needs by 2028. 

Політика Столиця Шляхта

«Скрутили руки, били по спині». Адвокат розповіла про насильство щодо фігуранта «справи Хізб ут-Тахрір»

Адвокат Ліля Гемеджі заявила, що в останній день перебування Газієва в лікарні, перед випискою, його повалили на підлогу, скрутили йому руки, били по спині і поголили бороду