Showing: 51 - 75 of 509 RESULTS
Наука Шляхта

Ahead of UN Climate Summit, China Offers No Significant New Goals

As world leaders gather in Glasgow, Scotland, for the U.N. Climate Change Conference (COP26), China on Thursday announced it has no new significant goals to reduce climate-changing emissions, despite being the world’s top emitter of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that cause global warming. 

“It’s not surprising, but it is disappointing that there wasn’t anything new” in terms of goals, said Joanna Lewis, an expert on China, climate and energy at Georgetown University, The Associated Press reported. 

In the past, Chinese leader Xi Jinping, who is not expected to attend the summit, has said China aims to reduce peak emissions of carbon dioxide “before 2030” and to reach “carbon neutrality” before 2060. 

Thursday’s announcement merely repeats those goals. 

Lewis said the documents China released give details only about meeting previously set goals. 

“The document gives no answers on the major open questions about the country’s emissions,” said Lauri Myllyvirta, lead analyst at the Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air, the AP reported. “At what level will emissions peak and how fast should they fall after the peak?” 

The document called climate change a “grim challenge facing all mankind” and said China “is also among countries most severely affected by climate change.” 

China, which depends heavily on coal for electricity, is building new coal-fired power plants rapidly. 

“New coal power and steel projects announced in China in the first half of 2021 alone will emit CO2 equal to Netherlands’ total emissions,” according to an August report from the Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air in Helsinki and the U.S. group Global Energy Monitor.

Some information in this report came from The Associated Press.

Наука Шляхта

Scabies Outbreak Affects 300 in Malawi’s Blantyre

In Malawi, health authorities say an outbreak of scabies around the commercial capital of Blantyre has affected more than 300 people. Scabies is a contagious, intensely itchy skin condition caused by tiny mites that burrow into the skin. 

“We started seeing cases from June and we have seen that the cases have been increasing such that by the end of September we had seen 255 cases. But as I am talking now, as of October, the number has risen to 309 cases,” says Chrissy Banda, the spokesperson for Blantyre District Health Office.

Residents of Blantyre like Matilda Lamba say the outbreak is concerning, especially with records indicating that it is more prevalent in rural areas.

“Those people from villages they come in town. You know we buy things from then like agriculture commodities, we interact with them daily and right at the moment we are very afraid that we might catch the scabies,” she notes.

But Banda says people should not panic, saying efforts are under way to stop the outbreak. “In our facilities the treatment is there. We have a lot of scabicides; the treatment for scabies. So first thing, we identify the cases, and then we are treating the cases to make sure that we block the transmission.”

The scabies outbreak comes at a time when Malawi is starting to recover from COVID-19, currently registering low infection and death rates.

George Jobe, executive director of the Malawi Health Equity Network says although the scabies outbreak is scary, the good news is that its preventive measures are similar to those that prevent COVID-19, like hand washing and observing social distancing.

In the meantime, the ministry of health is advising institutions that deal with large groups to watch for cases of the skin condition and report suspected cases to health authorities. 

Наука Шляхта

Climate Research Vessel Sails Into London 

A new British research ship, named for British broadcaster Sir David Attenborough, has arrived in London to call attention to climate change ahead of next week’s Glasgow climate summit.

The 129-meter RSS Sir David Attenborough has completed sea trials and is ready for service. It sailed up the Thames River on Wednesday to be part of a three-day public celebration hosted by the British Antarctic Survey to raise awareness of the importance and relevance of polar science and why it matters to everyday life.

In a launch event on the ship Thursday, Attenborough, known for his documentaries on nature and the planet, reminded people of the dangers caused by climate change and called for action from delegates attending the summit next week in Glasgow.

Commissioned by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and operated by the British Antarctic Survey, the new research platform will transform how U.K. teams conduct ship-borne science in polar regions.

The vessel enjoys a bit of infamy as well. As it was being built in 2016, NERC decided to open the naming of the ship to the public through an internet vote. The winning name was Boaty McBoatface.

The vote was overruled in favor of naming it for Attenborough, but an unmanned research submarine carried on the ship bears the name Boaty McBoatface, out of respect for the popular vote.

The ship will embark on its first Antarctic mission later this year. It has a crew of about 30 and can accommodate up to 60 scientists.​

Some information for this report came from The Associated Press.

Політика Столиця Шляхта

«Переговірник» Фірташа, якого оголошували у розшук, відвідував Офіс Зеленського – «Схеми»

Журналісти «Схем» опублікували фотодоказ того, що соратник олігарха Фірташа, громадянин Молдови та РФ Дмитро Торнер відвідував Офіс президента України

Столиця Шляхта

У Дніпрі помер дисидент, громадський діяч і художник Іван Шулик

У Дніпрі на 76-му році життя помер дисидент, громадський діяч і художник Іван Шулик. Інформацію про це Радіо Свобода підтвердив керівник громадської організації «Майдан Січеслав-Дніпро» Віктор Романенко.

За його словами, Іван Шулик був активістом проукраїнського руху в Дніпрі ще у 80-ті роки, очолював обласний осередок «Народного руху України». 1991-го року він встановлював перший синьо-жовтий прапор у Дніпрі й голодував під міською радою, вимагаючи припинити переслідування проукраїнських організацій.

Він також був активним учасником подій Майдану 2004 року та Революції Гідності (2013-2014).

Окрім того, Іван Шулик був талановитим театральним художником, членом Національної спілки художників України, заслуженим діячем мистецтв України.

«Іван Іванович Шулик – один з організаторів і координаторів Майданів у Дніпрі. За радянських часів стежило КДБ, на його родину тиснули, йому загрожував арешт. На приміщенні будівлі на театральному майдані є табличка про те, що на цьому місці був уперше в Дніпрі встановлений синьо-жовтий прапор. Встановлював його Іван Шулик. А в самій будівлі багато років була його майстерня. Він працював до останнього. Вже втрачаючи зір, він малював, готував театральні вистави. Ми називаємо його – «людина легенда»», – розповів Віктор Романенко.

Упродовж шести років громадські організації Дніпра пропонують міськраді удостоїти Шулика почесного громадянина міста, сказав Віктор Романенко, але отримують відмови.

13 жовтня Іван Шулик відзначив своє 75-річчя.

Поховають громадського діяча на його малій батьківщині, Петриківщині, поряд із могилою матері. Дата прощання наразі уточнюється.

Політика Столиця Шляхта

Очолив прокуратуру Севастополя в окупованому Криму – експрокурору повідомлено про підозру у держзраді

В ОГП не вказують імені підозрюваного, але з відкритих джерел відомо, що йдеться про Ігоря Шевченка, він зараз прокурор Адигеї

Наука Шляхта

US Donates 4.8 Million Vaccines to 4 African Nations

The United States is sending more than 4.8 million coronavirus vaccine doses to four African nations, the White House told VOA on Wednesday.

White House officials said the 55-member African Union determined the allocations. Landlocked Chad, one of the world’s poorest nations, will get 115,830 doses; populous U.S. ally Egypt will receive 3,634,020 doses; West Coast oil producer Gabon is to get 101,790 doses and East Coast bulwark Kenya will receive 990,990 doses.

The donated Pfizer vaccine doses should all arrive in the countries by Friday or Saturday, White House officials said. That vaccine requires two shots for full immunity, and American authorities have recommended that certain high-risk groups should receive booster shots of that vaccine after their initial course.

The move follows an announcement earlier in the week that the United States would allow the African Union to purchase an allotment of 33 million doses of the two-shot Moderna vaccine that were originally intended for the United States.

“As the president has said, the virus knows no borders, and it is going to require every company and every country to step up and take bold, urgent action to stop the spread of COVID-19 and save lives,” said Natalie Quillian, White House deputy COVID-19 response coordinator. “We are grateful to have helped negotiate this encouraging step forward between Moderna and the African Union that will significantly expand access to vaccines on the continent in the near term. This is an important action, as we continue to expand manufacturing capacity now and expand access to mRNA vaccines with some of the hardest-hit parts of the world.”

U.S. officials have been criticized for urging booster shots for vulnerable Americans while vaccination rates are low in the developing world. The White House casts the controversy over booster shots as a false choice, claiming that the United States can help vaccinate the world while also protecting Americans.

Critics say wealthy countries are not moving fast enough.

“At our current pace, it could take over a decade until low-income countries reach the 70% vaccination target,” said Tom Hart, acting CEO at the anti-poverty ONE Campaign. “We can’t end this pandemic anywhere if the vaccine isn’t everywhere. The world needs an escape plan, not just life preservers thrown out in the dark.”

According to projections by an Oxford University COVID-19 database, Our World in Data, only one nation in sub-Saharan Africa — the tiny enclave nation of Lesotho — is on track to meet the target of inoculating 40% of their population with at least one dose of the vaccine by the end of this year. 

Наука Шляхта

Cheap Antidepressant Shows Promise Treating Early COVID

A cheap antidepressant reduced the need for hospitalization among high-risk adults with COVID-19 in a study that was looking for existing drugs that could be repurposed to treat coronavirus.

Researchers tested the pill used for depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder because it was known to reduce inflammation and looked promising in smaller studies.

They’ve shared the results with the U.S. National Institutes of Health, which publishes treatment guidelines, and they hope for a World Health Organization recommendation.

“If WHO recommends this, you will see it widely taken up,” said study co-author Dr. Edward Mills of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, adding that many poor nations have the drug readily available. “We hope it will lead to a lot of lives saved.”

The pill, called fluvoxamine, would cost $4 for a course of COVID-19 treatment. By comparison, antibody IV treatments cost about $2,000 and Merck’s experimental antiviral pill for COVID-19 is about $700 per course. Some experts predict various treatments eventually will be used in combination to fight the coronavirus.

Researchers tested the antidepressant in nearly 1,500 Brazilians recently infected with coronavirus who were at risk of severe illness because of other health problems, such as diabetes. About half took the antidepressant at home for 10 days, the rest got dummy pills. They were tracked for four weeks to see who landed in the hospital or spent extended time in an emergency room when hospitals were full.

In the group that took the drug, 11% needed hospitalization or an extended ER stay, compared to 16% of those on dummy pills.

The results, published Wednesday in the journal Lancet Global Health, were so strong that independent experts monitoring the study recommended stopping it early because the results were clear.

Questions remain about the best dosing, whether lower risk patients might also benefit and whether the pill should be combined with other treatments.

The larger project looked at eight existing drugs to see if they could work against the pandemic virus. The project is still testing a hepatitis drug, but all the others — including metformin, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin — haven’t panned out.

The cheap generic and Merck’s COVID-19 pill work in different ways and “may be complementary,” said Dr. Paul Sax of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, who was not involved in the study. Earlier this month, Merck asked regulators in the U.S. and Europe to authorize its antiviral pill.

Столиця Шляхта

Першою в голосуванні серед «знакових книжок» Незалежності стала «Справа Василя Стуса» Вахтанга Кіпіані 

Проєкт про 30 знакових книжок часів Незалежності Мінкультури запустило спільно з Українським інститутом книги з нагоди 30-річчя Незалежності України

Політика Столиця Шляхта

СБУ перевіряє можливе «фінансування тероризму» «Укрексімбанком» після розслідування «Схем»

У Офісі генпрокурора зазначили, що провадження відкрили після звернень народних депутатів, які посилались на матеріал програми «Схеми»

Політика Столиця Шляхта

Саакашвілі «щодня втрачає сили, скаржиться на порушення процесуальних прав і свободи совісті» – Денісова

Відмова Саакашвілі від медичної підтримки – «негарний дзвінок, зараз потрібно, щоб лікар кожної хвилини був при ньому», каже омбудсмен