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Розмова Байдена і Зеленського відбудеться після 22:00 – речник

Лідери двох країн планують розглянути підготовку до майбутніх дипломатичних зустрічей, спрямованих на деескалацію напруженості через нарощування російських сил поблизу України

Столиця Шляхта

В США відзначать 100-річчя першого виконання «Щедрика» в Нью-Йорку – Маркарова

«Хор, який виконував у США «Щедрик», поїхав саме з місією культурної дипломатії – через пісні доносити інформацію про молоду українську державу, яка здобула свою незалежність у 1918 році»

Політика Столиця Шляхта

Наша амбіція, щоб бюджет-2023 США включав набагато більшу допомогу Україні – посол

«Тепер зі стратегічною хартією, з оборонною угодою, з конкретними роботами, які ми ведемо по кожному напрямку, у нас з’явиться конкретний перелік спроможностей, які ми хочемо розбудувати»

Наука Шляхта

French Mask Mandate Includes 6-Year-Olds

France has lowered the age of its mask mandate to 6-year-old children, officials announced Saturday. The news comes just days before schools reopen Monday, following the winter holiday break.

While the mandate requires children to wear masks in indoor public places, the mandate will also include outside locations in cities like Paris and Lyon where an outside mandate is already in place.

The wildly contagious omicron variant, French authorities said Saturday, has resulted in four consecutive days of over 200,000 new infections.

The chief executive of Britain’s National Health Service Confederation told the BBC Saturday that the surge in COVID cases fueled by omicron may force hospitals to ban visitors.

“It’s a last resort. But, when you’re facing the kind of pressures the health service is going to be under for the next few weeks, this is the kind of thing managers have to do,” Matthew Taylor said.

Europe has surpassed 100 million cases of coronavirus since the pandemic began nearly two years ago, according to data from the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center. Worldwide, nearly 290 million cases have been recorded.

Nearly 5 million of Europe’s cases were reported in the last seven days, with 17 of the 52 countries or territories that make up Europe setting single-day new case records thanks to the omicron variant, Agence France-Presse reported Saturday.

More than 1 million of those cases were reported in France, which has joined the U.S., India, Brazil, Britain and Russia to become the sixth country to confirm more than 10 million cases since the pandemic began, Reuters reported.

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center reported early Sunday that it has recorded 289.3 million global COVID cases and 5.4 million deaths.

Some information for this report was provided by Reuters, Agence France-Presse, and the Associated Press. 



Наука Шляхта

Omicron Coronavirus Variant Sweeps Across the Globe

India’s health ministry reported 22,775 new cases of the coronavirus Saturday, saying the new cases bring the country’s omicron variant count to 1,431. Public health officials, however, have warned that the country’s COVID-19 tallies are likely undercounted.

The Sydney Morning Herald reported Saturday that paramedics in the Australian state of New South Wales had a “record breaking” level of calls overnight, resulting in its busiest night in 126 years, as the omicron variant of coronavirus sweeps across the globe.

New South Wales Ambulance Inspector Kay Armstrong told the newspaper the telephone calls included, “the usual business of New Year’s Eve – alcohol-related cases, accidents, obviously mischief – and then we had COVID on top of that.” The Herald reported paramedics also received “time-wasting calls from people wanting COVID-19 test results.”

The chief executive of Britain’s NHS Confederation said the omicron variant will “test the limits of finite NHS [National Health Service] capacity even more than a typical winter.” Matthew Taylor also predicted that hospitals will be forced to make “difficult choices” because of the variant.

CNN reports that more than 30 colleges and universities have changed the starting date of their spring semesters as the omicron variant crosses the United States.

The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center on Saturday reported 288.2 million global COVID-19 cases. The center said 9.1 billion vaccinations have been administered.

Столиця Шляхта

У Києві й інших містах України організували акції та «марші» у день народження Бандери (фото)

1 січня виповнюється 113 років від дня народження провідника Організації українських націоналістів, сприйняття постаті котрого досі залишається неоднозначним у суспільстві