Політика Столиця Шляхта

Патрульні оштрафували Арахамію за паркування з порушенням

Патрульна поліція виписала голові фракції «Слуга народу» Давиду Арахамії штраф за паркування в непризначеному місці. Про це перший заступник начальника Департаменту патрульної поліції Олексій Білошицький повідомив у своєму фейсбуці 12 березня.

«Сьогодні в медіа ширилося повідомлення про порушення ПДР, вчинене Давидом Арахамією, з натяком на непритягнення до відповідальності нібито у зв’язку із його статусом. Проте, патрульні поліцейські відреагували на це порушення — пана Арахамію притягнули до відповідальності згідно з вимогами чинного законодавства», – написав він.

За словами предстваника патрульної поліції, Арахамія сплатив штраф на місці. Постанову склали за порушення правил стоянки – народний депутат залишив автомобіль на пішохідному переході.

«Патрульна поліція стоїть на принципах рівності всіх та кожного перед законом», – запевнив Білошицький.

Сам Арахамія прокоментував інцидент – визнав провину і пообіцяв наступного разу «бути уважніше».

Читайте також: У «Слузі народу» не змогли пояснити, хто для них оплачує лобістів у США – «Схеми»

Вдень 12 березня журналіст проєкту Радіо Свобода та каналу UA:Перший Михайло Ткач оприлюднив фото припаркованого автомобіля Арахамії, звернувши увагу на порушення при паркуванні.

Білошицький на уточнення Ткача повідомив, що не бачив його допису, але не уточнив, чи причиною штрафування стало привернення уваги до цього випадку.

Наука Шляхта

Report: 2020 Record Year for Discovering Asteroids

A new report says 2020 was a record year for discovering new asteroids, particularly those with near-Earth orbits in spite of the COVID-19 pandemic shutting down a number of observatories.The report, published Thursday in the science journal Nature, says astronomers registered 2,958 previously unknown near-Earth asteroids over the course of the year, the most since 1998, the year the U.S. space agency, NASA, began tracking such objects.More than half of the asteroids and other objects recorded came from the Catalina Sky Survey in Arizona, which uses its three telescopes to hunt for potentially threatening space rocks. Astronomers there discovered 1,548 near-Earth objects, even with the center closed briefly last spring because of the pandemic, and a longer closure in June, due to a wildfire in the area.Among the Catalina 2020 discoveries was a rare “minimoon” named 2020 CD3, a tiny asteroid less than 3 meters in diameter that had been temporarily captured by Earth’s gravity. The minimoon broke away from Earth’s pull last April.The report says another 1,152 discoveries came from the Pan-STARRS survey telescopes in Hawaii. One of the objects discovered there was not a space rock at all, but a leftover rocket booster that had been looping around in space since 1966 when it helped to launch a NASA spacecraft to the Moon.The report says at least 107 of the objects discovered last year came closer to Earth than the distance between the planet and the Moon.Among last year’s near-misses was the tiny asteroid 2020 QG, which skimmed just 2,950 kilometers above the Indian Ocean in August. That was the closest known approach by an outer space object, until just three months later when another small object, named 2020 VT4, passed less than 400 kilometers (about the length of New York State) from the planet.Observers did not discover 2020 VTA until 15 hours after it had flown by the earth. The scientist say had it hit, it would probably have broken apart in Earth’s atmosphere.NASA created the Center for Near Earth Objects (CNEO) in 1998, fulfilling a Congressional request to track and catalogue at least 90% of space objects a kilometer or larger that may come near Earth and/or cause a threat. Since then, CNEO and its contributing astronomers have logged more than 25,000 such objects.

Столиця Шляхта

Березнева погода: Київ засипало мокрим снігом (фоторепортаж)

Снігопади, хуртовини та налипання мокрого снігу приніс до України атмосферний фронт, який прийшов із Західної Європи. Про це повідомляло Радіо Свобода з посиланням на Укргідрометцентр. У деяких областях, де циклон прийшов із сильним вітром, було завдано шкоди електромережам. На Заході країни сніг часто переходить у дощ.

Української столиці циклон дістався орієнтовно опівдні 12 березня. Сніг у Києві іде практично всю другу половину дня п’ятниці – при температурі, близькій до нуля. Який сьогодні Київ у березновому снігу? Про це у фоторепортажі Радіо Свобода

Політика Столиця Шляхта

Кулеба привітав рішення ЄС продовжити персональні санкції через агресію Росії проти України

Рада ЄС до 15 вересня 2021 року продовжила санкції проти осіб та суб’єктів, відповідальних за підрив територіальної цілісності України

Політика Столиця Шляхта

Микитась заявив, що його звільнили з-під арешту

Колишній народний депутат та керівник «Укрбуду» Максим Микитась заявив, що суд звільнив його з-під арешту.

«Рішенням Шевченківського районного суду Києва Максима Микитася звільнено з під варти. Несправедливий запобіжний захід змінено!» – написав Микитась у фейсбуці.

31 грудня 2020 року  Шевченківський районний суд Києва обрав запобіжний захід у вигляді тримання під вартою колишньому народному депутатові, екскерівнику будівельної компанії «Укрбуд» Максимові Микитасю, якого поліція підозрює у викраденні юриста і вимаганні.

Микитась, який уже співпрацює зі слідством у справі про заволодіння майном Нацгвардії, вже перебував під домашнім арештом. Він назвав нову справу провокацією.

Підозру у викраденні людини і вимаганні грошей поліція оголосила Микитасеві 29 грудня.

Того ж дня Національне антикорупційне бюро висловило занепокоєння з приводу того, що оголошення нових підозр колишньому народному депутатові й екскерівнику будівельної компанії «Укрбуд» Максимові Микитасю може використовуватися для блокування розслідувань НАБУ і тиску на Микитася як на викривача, «який надав детективам НАБУ інформацію щодо корупції у найвищих ешелонах влади».

Максим Микитась – колишній народний депутат, відомий столичний забудовник. Він є екскерівником державної корпорації «Укрбуд». Микитасеві інкримінують махінації із житлом Національної гвардії більш ніж на 81 мільйон гривень. Його підозрюють у привласненні, розтраті майна або заволодінні ним шляхом зловживання службовим становищем. Він звинувачення заперечує.

2 грудня НАБУ офіційно повідомило, що підозрюваний у справі про заволодіння майном Нацгвардії колишній народний депутат добровільно відшкодував до держбюджету 50 мільйонів із загальної суми збитків більш ніж у 81 мільйон.


Політика Столиця Шляхта

«Справи Майдану»: щодо 2 колишніх «беркутівців» дозволили спеціальне досудове розслідування

Дозволи на заочне досудове розслідування у «справах Майдану» правоохоронні органи отримують періодично від судів, оскільки чимало фігурантів справ переховуються від слідства

Наука Шляхта

UN: Pandemic Blocked Access to Birth Control in 115 Low- and Medium-Income Countries

The UNFPA reported that almost 12 million women in 115 low- and medium-income countries were unable to gain access to contraception services for an average of 3.6 months during the past year due to the pandemic, resulting in 1.4 million unintended pregnancies.“Pregnancies don’t stop for pandemics, or any crisis. We must ensure that women and girls have uninterrupted access to lifesaving contraceptives and maternal health medicines,” Dr. Natalia Kanem, the executive director of the United Nations Population Fund, or UNFPA, the international organization’s sexual and reproductive health agency, said Thursday in a statement.However, “The international community pulled together to mitigate the worst-case scenario,” despite the roadblocks to contraceptives, Kanem said.“As the world’s largest procurer of contraceptives for developing countries, UNFPA worked with its partners from governments, civil society and the private sector and took immediate measures to mitigate” the pandemic’s impact, the U.N. agency said in a statement. “UNFPA secured early funding from governments, added more suppliers to its roster and closely monitored global inventory levels, transferring surplus stock to countries in urgent need amongst other measures. As a result of this shared commitment and quick action, the disruption in access to family planning was less severe than it could have been.”“Roll up your sleeve and do your part,” former U.S. President George Bush says in a new public service ad, urging Americans to get the coronavirus vaccine. Bush and his wife, Laura, were featured in the video, along with three other former U.S. presidents — Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter — and their wives – Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton and Rosalyn Carter.“This vaccine means hope,” former President Obama said in the ad.Denmark, Norway and Ireland have temporarily halted their use of the AstraZeneca vaccine while authorities investigate whether the vaccine is linked to blood clots. Thirty cases of the clots have been reported out of 5 million doses of the vaccine. The European Medicines Agency said in a statement “the vaccine’s benefits continue to outweigh its risks and the vaccine can continue to be administered while investigation of cases of thromboembolic events is ongoing.”Tanzania has not reported any COVID-19 cases since May. The BBC reports, however, that the lack of reports may be misleading. The news agency said it talked with a doctor in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’s largest city, who said there had been a “marked increase” in admissions of patients with respiratory symptoms and patients requiring oxygen. “We’re getting no guidance on how to treat patients,” the doctor told the BBC.India reported more than 23,000 new COVID-19 cases Friday.Sweden’s Crown Princess Victoria has tested positive for the coronavirus. She is next in line to ascend the throne. Her husband, Prince Daniel, has also tested positive. The Swedish court said Thursday the couple and their two children are in quarantine.Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center reported more than 118 million global COVID-19 cases Friday. The U.S., with 29.2 million infections, has more cases than anywhere else in the world. India follows with11.3 million cases and Brazil comes in a close third with 11.2 million.

Наука Шляхта

How the Philippines Finally Got its COVID-19 Caseload Under Control

The Philippines has gotten a measure of control over its once-runaway COVID-19 outbreak through strict lockdowns and a year of school closures, coupled with widespread use of face protectors, experts and citizens on the ground say.The Southeast Asian country known for its migratory population — Filipinos work throughout the developed world — has reported fewer than 2,000 new cases per day most of the time since October, down from as much as 6,275 cases previously. Daily counts fell below 1,000 at the start of January.Elsewhere in Southeast Asia, only Indonesia struggled last year with the same level of  daily COVID-19 caseload surges. Most countries around Northeast Asia, including the coronavirus’s apparent source, China, recovered early last year, despite isolated flare-ups.Border closures that remain in effect and enforced stay-home orders in the nation of 109 million’s larger cities get the most credit for bringing cases down, residents and a United Nations official say.Meanwhile, medical personnel are better equipped now to do tests for the virus and trace the contacts of the sick than they were a year ago, according to Aaron Rabena, research fellow at the Asia-Pacific Pathways to Progress Foundation in the Philippines’ Quezon City.Adding support, ordinary Filipinos have accepted the use of face masks and face shields in public.Public school classes have not met in person for a year, said Behzad Noubary, Philippine deputy UNICEF representative.“These are the aspects that have contributed to [caseload declines] — the international closure, which has lasted a long time, and a really, really prolonged lockdown,” Noubary told VOA in a call on Thursday.“Schools have been closed a year now, no in-person classes since then, and most of the country has been in quite strict lockdown,” he said.In June, when caseloads were higher, stay-home orders had begun easing before hospitals could get their equipment ready and coordinate with each other to handle the coronavirus, said Maria Ela Atienza, a political science professor at the University of the Philippines Diliman.People still went outside without masks then, sometimes to find work in an increasingly desperate economy, as well as to join friends and relatives in tight spaces where the virus could quickly spread.Local authorities, however, now sometimes enforce stay-home orders so strictly they even force residents to turn back if they go out too far from their doorways, domestic media and people on the ground say.Meanwhile, metro Manila reportedly plans new curfews from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. starting Monday because of a recent spike in cases.Ordinary people are doing their share now in controlling cases, Rabena said.“It’s because the people have exercised more caution,” Rabena said. “Here, when you go out, you wear a mask and a face shield. Everybody is still careful. Compared to last year of course, this year is much better.”Marivic Arcega, operator of an animal feed distributor in the Manila suburb of Cavite, has gone all-out to keep herself and her surroundings safe.She employs only a “skeletal” staff plus a driver who does delivery, Arcega said. A son takes college courses online and another lives in central Manila but seldom comes home. When he does visit, Arcega said, he rides in a friend’s car rather than taking public transit. Her husband never goes out. Customers are told to keep a distance.“Us here at the store, no facemask, no entry, and then my cashier is enclosed in a booth, and we’re all wearing face shields,” said Arcega, 52. “I stay inside my office and don’t interact with the customers anymore. If they speak to me, [it is] from the door of my office. They don’t really come in.”The millions of vaccine doses that the Philippines has secured so far are boosting morale, Rabena said. The government aims to loosen neighborhood quarantine rules as more people become immunized, he believes.Officials hope to pull the Philippines out of a sharp recession caused by store closures and people being stuck at home rather than able to work outside. The country’s economy contracted 9.5% last year after sharp annual upturns in the previous half-decade.If family incomes shrink 30%, per a worst-case estimate, up to 45% of Philippine children would live in poverty, up from 24% now, Noubary said. The Philippines, he said, already has paid a “significant price” in terms of child poverty.UNICEF has supplied personal protective equipment and cleaning solutions to poor families and helped provide vaccines that are on the ground today. It is now nudging the government to reopen schools little by little in parts of the archipelago with low COVID-19 caseloads as online learning has caused 2.7 million children to drop out of the school system, Noubary said.

Наука Шляхта

The ‘Quad’ Aims to Ramp Up Southeast Asia Vaccine Production to 1 Billion Doses

U.S. President Joe Biden and the prime ministers of Japan, India, and Australia are meeting virtually Friday for a summit of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, where they will discuss strategies to counter China’s rising influence in the Indo-Pacific region, including an offer to match Beijing’s ambitious vaccine diplomacy.The Quad is launching a financing mechanism to ramp up production of up to a billion doses of vaccines by 2022 to address a shortage in the Indo-Pacific region, mainly in Southeast Asian countries, a Biden administration official said in a briefing call to reporters Thursday.The group has put together “complex financing vehicles” to dramatically increase vaccine production capacity the official said. A second administration official said the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation is working with companies in India and the governments of Japan and Australia to increase production of vaccines already authorized by the World Health Organization.The administration did not say whether this Quad vaccine mechanism would be separate from, or part of, COVAX, the global mechanism to distribute 2 billion doses of vaccines to 94 poorer countries by the end of the year, partly by using AstraZeneca/Oxford University-developed vaccines manufactured by the Serum Institute of India.COVAX is co-led by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, a public–private global health partnership funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Gavi has been the dominant player in the financing and distribution of various vaccines since its founding in 2000, but it is unclear whether Gavi will be involved in the Quad vaccine mechanism.Biden has been under pressure to respond to Beijing’s vaccine diplomacy as he seeks to vaccinate all Americans first by ensuring that the U.S. vaccine stockpile is “over-supplied,” to prepare to vaccinate against new variants, and to vaccinate children. There is currently not enough data to determine which of the three vaccines authorized for emergency use in the U.S. is safe and effective for children.Chinese President Xi Jinping proclaimed in May that Chinese-made vaccines would become a “global public good”. Since then, Beijing has pledged roughly half a billion doses of its vaccine to more than 45 countries, according to a country-by-country Associated Press tally. After China’s initial failures in handling the outbreak, some see Beijing’s vaccine diplomacy as a face-saving tactic and a means to expand its influence.Countering ChinaThe Quad is not a formal military alliance but often seen as a counterweight to growing Chinese military and economic influence in Asia. The 90-minute Friday meeting would be the first leaders’ summit since the Quad’s first meeting in 2004 following the tsunami in Aceh, Indonesia.“President Biden has worked hard to bring these leaders together to make a clear statement of the importance of the Indo-Pacific region,” the administration official said. The official added that during the leaders’ meeting, there will be an “honest, open discussion about China’s role on the global stage.”Analysts say there is wide expectation that the summit will elevate the Biden administration’s agenda in the Indo-Pacific.“This is a pretty big signal that this is a high priority for the new administration,” Sheila A. Smith a senior fellow for Japan studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, said.Following the Quad summit, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin will travel together to Japan and South Korea next week, followed by a solo trip by Austin to India.Without providing details on the timing, the administration also announced that Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga will be the first leader to visit Biden at the White House in person.The U.S. wants to return to strong U.S. alliances in the region to project strength to China, according to Bonnie Glaser, director of China Power Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.“The Biden administration has crafted this arrangement to signal that it is engaging from a position of strength,” she said.State Department spokesperson Ned Price acknowledged Thursday that over the course of recent years these alliances “in some cases have atrophied, in some cases, they have frayed.”In November 2017, former President Donald Trump in Vietnam outlined the U.S. vision for a “free and open Indo-Pacific.”While the Trump administration’s strategy in the region focused largely on maritime security and trade, the Biden administration is seeking a more comprehensive approach, including cooperation to defeat COVID-19, combat climate change, ensure a resilient supply chain and post-pandemic economic recovery.“It’s a whole – how does the region look going forward, and how do we maintain the prosperity that has long been part of the Indo-Pacific?” Smith said.After the series of meetings with regional allies, Blinken and national security adviser Jake Sullivan will meet their Chinese counterparts in Anchorage, Alaska, on Thursday.

Політика Столиця Шляхта

На відстороненого Зеленським суддю КСУ Тупицького продовжують розподілятись справи – «Схеми»

«Схеми»: від початку року, після оголошення Офісом генпрокурора підозри Тупицькому та президентського указу про його відсторонення з посади судді, на нього були розподілені щонайменше три справи

Наука Шляхта

Large Asteroid to Pass by Earth on March 21, NASA says 

The largest asteroid to pass by Earth this year will approach within about 1.25 million miles (2 million kilometers) of our planet on March 21, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) said Thursday.The U.S. space agency said it would allow astronomers to get a rare close look at an asteroid.The asteroid, 2001 FO32, is estimated to be about 3,000 feet (915 meters) in diameter and was discovered 20 years ago, NASA said.”We know the orbital path of 2001 FO32 around the sun very accurately,” said Paul Chodas, director of the Center for Near Earth Object Studies. “There is no chance the asteroid will get any closer to Earth than 1.25 million miles.”That is roughly 5.25 times the distance from Earth to the moon, but still close enough for 2001 FO32 to be classified as a “potentially hazardous asteroid.”NASA said 2001 FO32 would pass by at 77,000 mph (124,000 kph), faster than the speed at which most asteroids encounter Earth.“Currently, little is known about this object, so the very close encounter provides an outstanding opportunity to learn a great deal about this asteroid,” said Lance Benner, principal scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.Reflections to be studiedNASA said astronomers hope to get a better understanding of the asteroid’s size and a rough idea of its composition by studying light reflecting off its surface.“When sunlight hits an asteroid’s surface, minerals in the rock absorb some wavelengths while reflecting others,” NASA said. “By studying the spectrum of light reflecting off the surface, astronomers can measure the chemical ‘fingerprints’ of the minerals on the surface of the asteroid.”Amateur astronomers in some parts of the globe should be able to conduct their own observations.“The asteroid will be brightest while it moves through southern skies,” Chodas said.“Amateur astronomers in the Southern Hemisphere and at low northern latitudes should be able to see this asteroid using moderate-size telescopes with apertures of at least 8 inches in the nights leading up to closest approach, but they will probably need star charts to find it,” he said.NASA said more than 95% of near-Earth asteroids the size of 2001 FO32 or larger have been cataloged and none of them has any chance of impacting our planet over the next century.  

Політика Столиця Шляхта

У стратегію деокупації Криму не увійшла «низка принципових позицій Меджлісу» – Чубаров

«Шкода, що у схваленій стратегії наші міжнародні партнери поки що не знайдуть чіткої відповіді на питання про те, яким буде статус Криму після відновлення державного суверенітету України над Кримським півостровом», – заявив Чубаров